Naturally Flavoured

Strawberry Sparkling Water

A tiny bit of berry goodness goes into our refreshing and crisp sparkling water. The unmistakable natural essence of strawberry flavour without the sweetness!

Melon Strawberry FIZZ


SPARKMOUTH Sparkling Water Strawberry
Seasonal melon
Fresh squeezed lemon 
Thai basil


Add roughly 2 oz of melon juice to glass (this can be done by squeezing it through cheese cloth or any thin, clean dish towel). Add ice and top with SPARKMOUTH Sparkling Water Strawberry. Take a few leaves of Thai basil and give it a clap between your hands to release its essential oils and place herb into glass. Garnish with wheels of lemon and melon balls (optional) and enjoy! If you don’t have a melon baller, use any standard rounded measuring spoon used for baking, it will do the trick.

 More Sparkling Water


Lime Sparkling Water


Grapefruit Sparkling Water